Upper Floor Addition
After a lot of planning, Evergreen School emabrked on the project to add a new floor to the existing building in March 2022. We had originally planned to do this work in 2020, but the work was put on hold due to the uncertanties brought about by the Covid pandemic. After getting the architectural drawing approved, the construction work began at the end of May. A big challenge for us was to do the construction work of an entire new floor while the school is in operation.
With good planning done by the building contractor, we made very good progress in work over the last 6 months. The construction work is in its last phase right now and is expected to be complete by the end of December 2022.
Existing facility:
3000 Sq Ft
5 classrooms, Office room, Library/Computer room, Kitchen, Bathrooms & Toilets
Limited space right now. Share some of the classrooms for two grades by using temporary room separators. This is not ideal due to the sound interference.
Pre-School classes are run in a different building
Maximum capacity – 140 children
New facility - Upper floor will add the following:
3000Sq Ft additional space for a total of 6000 Sq Ft space
5 additional classrooms for a total of 10 classrooms, 1 extra-curricular activity room, Guest suite for visiting trainers/teachers (bath attached), Bathroom/Toilet
All grades will have dedicated large classrooms
Consolidation of Pre-School and Primary school in the same building
Maximum capacity – 280 children
The full update giving the progress of the construction work is in the presentation below. View the presentation using the scroll bar on the right or pop it out to a new window.