Our Philosophy
When the love of the human heart extends its embrace to the entire living and non-living worlds, this is Neo-humanism.
— Shri P.R. Sarkar
The guiding philosophy of Evergreen School is Neo-Humanism. This philosophy was propounded by eminent modern writer, philosopher, scientist, social theorist, and spiritual leader, Shri Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar (1921-1990). Simply stated, if extending the sweetest touch of the heart to include all humanity as one’s own be termed Humanism, then expanding that embrace to include the animals, plants, and even the elements is termed Neo-humanism. Helping children realize their spiritual potential and seeking to cultivate their already innate capacity for love and compassion is an integral part of Neo-humanist education. Through meditation and yoga, children learn to experience peace and connectedness; through excellent academic education they learn how to use their gifts to make a difference; and through the arts they learn how to express their creativity with joy.
The goal of a Neo-humanist education is to expand gradually a student’s sense of community: from self, to family, locality, country, humanity, life on earth and ultimately the entire universe. A Neo-humanist education is also an ‘education for the whole child’, that is, for the physical, mental and spiritual child. It is about doing (activity in the world), knowing (learning) and being (entering one’s inner world). A successful education leads to a deep desire for further learning which then continues throughout life.
Evergreen School strives to build a strong cooperative community within and around the school and is part of a network of Neo-humanist schools throughout the world.